Our Charter

Our Charter

Our Charter

Adelaide National Park City is a movement to improve Greater Adelaide’s liveability through a better connection between people and nature. It extends across the northern plains, eastern hills, southern vales and out into the marine environment.

Let’s all work together to create a cooler, greener and wilder Adelaide and beyond.

Let’s create a city that is rich with nature, and a place where people take action to be better connected with the environment and each other.

‍Marni ngadlu tampinthi ngadlu Kaurna yartanga inparrinthi

It is good that we all acknowledge we are living on Kaurna Country.

We are working together for better:

  • Thriving urban spaces for nature and people
  • Collective decision-making, learning and local action
  • Air, land, freshwater and marine habitats for plants and animals
  • Connections between people and nature, Kaurna Yarta (Country) and community
  • Health and wellbeing, diversity and inclusion
  • Climate resilience
  • Shared stories and celebrations

What if...

* What if we restored nature wherever we can? * What if everybody could lose themselves in nature without leaving the city? * What if we shared more knowledge, ideas, tools and experiences to connect with nature? * What if there was more space for reconciliation with Kaurna Miyurna (Kaurna People) and recognition that all living things are a part of Kaurna Yarta (Country)? * What if more people grew their own food? *What if there were more beautiful sights and sounds in the city? * What if we thought more about those who will be living in the city seven generations from now? * What if there was more celebration and spontaneity? * What if we did more things to care for the people, places and nature we are interdependent with? * What if we had more balance and harmony within ourselves, our city and our world? *What if there was better communication and collaboration between all levels of government and community?

Our Charter
Our Charter

Charter testimonies

Our Charter has gained more than 2,300 signatures toward our movement. Read some of the testimonies from those who signed.